Your Park's Name
Official Web Site

Your address
City, State Zip
Phone #1
Phone #2 (if desired)

The promotional material for your amusement park will be presented in the format shown in this sample QuickSite. Your advertising message will be organized into three paragraphs as shown in this sample. You may use up to 200 words in these three paragraphs. You can tell potential visitors about your exciting and exceptional rides, attractions, facilities, accommodations, shows, special group packages, etc. Use this space to make your park�s appeal irresistible! Can�t organize your promotional material into just three paragraphs? Don�t worry, we will modify the layout to accommodate additional paragraphs, as long as the total content of these paragraphs doesn�t exceed 200 words. We will make application for links to your web page from many of the most popular search engines on the web.

We will electronically duplicate up to three pictures or drawings, that you supply, and put them on your web page. These pictures could include color photographs of some of your park�s attractions, your park�s logo, a map to help visitors find your park, or anything else which you think would interest and attract potential visitors. The pictures will typically be positioned as shown in this sample QuickSite. (However, if you prefer, one of the pictures can be your park's logo, located under your park's name, centered at the top of the page.) Pick your most colorful and exciting pictures and enhance your site�s visual impact. In addition to the three paragraphs describing your park�s unique features and attractions, your QuickSite will include your season of operations, daily hours and pricing structure. They will be presented as shown later in this sample QuickSite. You can have up to 4 columns for the season hours, and 4 columns for the pricing.

We will also link your web page, to your listing in FunGuide. FunGuide has hundreds of amusement parks, as well as over a thousand hotels, restaurants, places of interest and f un related businesses. And we are growing every week! FunGuide�s website already has thousands of visitors a month and it's only two months old! We can do the same for you!

Season Hours, Admission and Directions & Map

Created by: FunGuide - the Internet Directory of Amusement Parks